Payday coming
And I'm really ready for it! I don't think my checking account has been this low in a very long time. I'm not broke or anything like that, and I've got enough to buy gas, milk, bread, and propane until payday.
I told Brandon the other day that I'm broke. OK. I'm not really broke. The account has just gone down to a level where it's below the cushion I have mentally set for it, so I feel like I'm broke.
It's all good though. Payday will come and I'll get things paid and "refill" my cushion!
I told Brandon the other day that I'm broke. OK. I'm not really broke. The account has just gone down to a level where it's below the cushion I have mentally set for it, so I feel like I'm broke.
It's all good though. Payday will come and I'll get things paid and "refill" my cushion!
At 2/02/2008 3:26 PM,
janncwebb said…
I know that feels good. It stinks that you have to work so hard for it, but the security is a good feeling. Steph messaged me that they got a $600 electric bill yesterday!! It was $400 last month! Here we haven't had one over $180, so I'm glad. Dad likes to keep it very warm in here in the winter and summer, too. So, it's less electric for the summer, but lots more for the winter. And we recently got the heater that's in the garage fixed. It's great, but I hope it's not using a lot of gas!
Bless you, dear Anne! When I inherit some money I'm going to send you some someday.
At 2/02/2008 4:47 PM,
Ann crum said…
I'm blessed that my electric bill hasn't been anywhere near what Steph's is. It's more like yours, so that really helps. It used to be a lot higher but I put compact fluorescent bulbs in every single light fixture and lamp. I was amazed how much money I saved on my electric bill! Brandon also got me a much smaller deep freezer, and it's an energy saver as well. I've probably cut my electric bill by at least $100 a month!
At 2/03/2008 9:45 PM,
janncwebb said…
Wow! That's great. Our electric bill was always high in Weatherford and I always suspected our old freezer. I gave it away before we moved into the house that they're in now. There's an old one here that we don't have plugged in now and I don't plan to. If I decide we need one I will get one of those smaller ones like you have.
At 2/03/2008 9:58 PM,
Ann crum said…
I'm slowly but surely getting away from high energy usage appliances. Next to go will be my washer and dryer. I plan to get a compact set that's highly energy efficient.
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