Zoo Talk

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Highlights of the family gathering - 2

I'll start off by saying that after I got home, I napped -- a long time! In fact, I woke up at about 9 PM thinking it was time to get ready for work. Now, my sleep is messed up again.

Anyway, Nephew and Niece reported that there were 43 people in attendance. I knew there were a lot there, and that number includes all the babies and children that have come into the family in the past few years, plus friends. Even though a few were missing, it was a good crowd and a lot of fun.

Great-nephew announced he is engaged and will be married sometime in June. The date isn't set yet and they have a lot of plans to make, but it's coming. The girl he's marrying is very sweet and well-liked.

Nephew (host) and his wife and I talked about gardening and putting in fruit trees and grape vines. They have become quite the farmers since buying their land and house. They have some chickens and guineas to supplement their groceries with eggs now. I miss having chickens but I'm so glad they have them.

The highlight of the children's day was when Sis handed out bundles of colored pencils all around. They were excited to receive them and I'm sure none of them will even think about drawing on walls with them. (Removing tongue from cheek now.)

Sis took us all outside where she took pictures of the whole group. This is a tradition for us, and it's so interesting to go back through these big group shots to see how kids have grown and new family members have been added. I can't wait to see this shot.

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