Zoo Talk

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Scrub fashion

Having a daughter who works in the health care field, I see her a lot in some really nice looking and comfortable looking outfits. Sometimes I even think they might be nice for lounging around the house.

I bet that a lot of men would like them, too, instead of always just wearing pajama bottoms. They could check out http://www.blueskyscrubs.com/categories/Scrubs/Scrubs-for-Men/ and note the discounted prices and wide variety of colors and styles. There's bound to be something there that would please just about anyone. Scrubs don't come in just that awful green anymore. They come in every color of the rainbow, plus a variety of pant styles such as boot cut or low rise.

I've even thought about getting a few sets for myself to wear around the house for extra comfort. The fabric is wrinkle free and there are some really pretty colors and patterns, besides being discount uniform scrubs, which is a money saver.

Do any of you wear scrubs for work or for relaxation?

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