Zoo Talk

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Potential snow storm

It’s Christmas so Merry Christmas to you all!

Normally, in the state where I live, there’s not much chance of snow on Christmas. It’s not unheard of, of course, but it so rarely occurs.This time, though, the predictions are for a 100% chance of rain, sleet, and snow for Christmas day and for the day or so before and after it.

I had made plans to go visit my Mother the 3 days following Christmas, but now that we’re under a winter storm warning, I’m thinking that I won’t be able to safely drive the 80 or so miles, now over potentially dangerous highways. I’m actually thinking that my old truck would need vehicle lifts just to get it out of the driveway!

A couple of years ago it snowed so deeply that the underside of my truck was hitting the snow as I drove along. And, my brakes got ice and snow on them making it impossible to stop.

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