Zoo Talk

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Sunday, December 09, 2012

Skunk, anyone?

We had a little excitement last week. We caught a skunk in our live trap! Now, we expect to catch critters like possums and raccoons, and even the occasional feral cat. Once we even caught a young buzzard. We generally load the trap into the truck and carry the animals off to a new location. The buzzard, we just opened the trap and propped the trip to where he could lumber on out on his own. But a skunk!

We were given all kinds of advice about getting rid of the animal. None of them seemed humane and I won’t even mention them here. Son decided to try it his way.

He eased up to the trap and just talked calmly to the skunk. He didn’t make any sudden or threatening moves, and just kept talking in a low voice. The skunk turned and faced him as if listening. He stayed calm enough that Son was able to open the trap, prop the trip, and let the skunk go on his or her way. Son said the animal was the biggest one he’s ever seen, about the size of the es 335 at Musician's Friend. That trap will hold a medium sized animal, so if a skunk was big enough to nearly fill the trap, he must have been a monster!

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