Zoo Talk

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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year!

The first day of the new year is winding down now. We ate our traditional Southern good luck dinner of black eyed peas, boiled cabbage, hog jowl, cornbread, and fried potatoes. It was delicious and filling, and I hope it brings prosperity to our year.

I stayed pretty busy today with laundry, baking breads for orders, and fixing the New Year’s Day meal. I’ve heard that whatever you do on the first day of the year you are doomed to do all year long. I don’t mind the cooking and baking, but the laundry, well, it’s not that much fun.

I had a little mishap with the laundry. See, I have a portable washing machine and usually poke the drain hose out the bathroom window. In fact, I pretty much leave it there but during this terribly cold weather, I’ve been bringing it inside the window and keeping the window closed. Well, today I forgot it was on the inside and started the laundry. When I heard gallons of water rushing into the bathroom floor, I ran in and got it out the window, but not before it had pretty well flooded the floor. I threw towels down to soak it all up and they did a good job. But, then I had towels to wash. I knew I should have done laundry yesterday.

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