Zoo Talk

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tuesday morning

Well, niece and I had to work Sunday night. Neither of us were very happy about it since it was Sunday night but the employer wound up not being able to find anyone to fill in Friday night after all.

We left to be at the location at 9 but no one was there yet. The employer called me and didn't realize we were already there - about a 20 mile drive from town. He has a key so he got around and brought it to us. About the time he got there, plant employees were beginning to arrive. The three of us chatted for a bit, then he went on home and niece and I started cleaning around 9:30-9:45.

This time it took only about 3 hours to complete it all. The other night it took 5 hours because there was so much that was left undone. We also noted that the first night it took 2 mop waters because the first bucketful got pure muddy less than halfway through the job. Last night, one mop water did it, so apparently the previous person hadn't mopped much at all since the mop water was actually still decent even after no mopping since Thursday.

I got home around 1:30 AM. I slept like a log but I'm sore this morning. I'm hoping as time goes by I can not be so tired and sore, and work more smoothly, too.

Niece came over Sunday for lunch. I fixed white beans, fried rice, baked sweet potatoes, and cornbread. Then we went to church at 3, came back here and got ready to go to work, relaxed some, etc. We left early enough to run by WM and pick up bottled water, sodas, and snacks which included cheese and peanut butter crackers and grapes. We were very glad we did that! We have plenty left to take with us for a few days.

Monday night, we had to be there at 5, and that will be our normal time Mon - Fri.
We were home a lot earlier last night. The employer wants us to get going good on this plant, then he'll add another place to our schedule. He may even change us to another local plant and I hope he does. It's closer to us which means less driving and less gas. It also happens to be where my son in law works..lol. We'd also be able to take on another small telemarketing business if we didn't have so much driving to do.

We'll get paid for 3 or 4 days on our first check, then it will be 2 weeks' work at a time after that. I just hope I can hold out to keep doing this. This morning, there's nothing on my body that isn't hurting! Maybe as I go along, I'll build up strength.

It still feels odd to leave my home and do this work. But, as much as possible I want to do this for God's glory as much as for income. The Bible tells us whatever we put our hand to, to do it with all our might and for the glory of God. So, that's what I'm doing.

Besides niece coming to church, she has invited her grown daughter, son in law, and their children to come next time. I am praying they'll all soon become regulars.


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