Wednesday morning
I finally did get to see the dr. yesterday. It was at the free clinic and I had to wait 4 hours before I finally got the meds I needed. What a crowd! Niece went on and did one of our cleaning accounts by herself. I told her to go on and shop or work or whatever she wanted to do since it was taking so long. She got back just as I came out the clinic door. So I missed out on that work, but that's ok. I'm glad she was able to do it and get the time in. It took her about 2 hours. I hated she had to do it by herself but I really couldn't leave the clinic.
The dr. is a different one than before. A woman dr., which is just fine. She looked over my med records real good and asked me plenty of questions. I told her about the pain and sleeping problems I have. Even my ribs where the surgeon cut me a couple of years ago hurt sometimes still, though it's not unbearable. She said it's probably arthritis in my ribs from where the surgeon had to spread them apart.
Anyway, she prescribed Tramadol for pain (3X a day) and to help me rest better at night. Also prescribed HCTZ and Atenolol for the blood pressure. She said it looked to her like the Acuretic I was taking before wasn't really doing the job anyway since my bp never did get down far enough while I was on it.
They have a pharmacy on the premises now so I got my meds right away for free. They told me that all these meds will qualify for free home delivery from Pfizer, so they'll set that up for me.
I got home about 1:30 AM. Brandon was still up. He made me cry. How? He had gotten a vase of half a dozen pink and red roses for me and they were sitting on the kitchen table. Got them for me for Valentine's Day. It touched me so much I couldn't help but cry. He came in the kitchen and gave me a big bear hug, and when he turned loose he had tears, too. He can be such a sweetie.
I hate that winter weather is headed this way again. Ugh! And again, Ugh! They are predicting an ice storm for us starting Friday. Hard to believe since it's supposed to be near 70 today!
When I woke up this morning I did feel more rested and had less stiffness and pain, so I guess the med is working. I took the morning dose plus bp meds, so I'll see how the day goes. I was told I could expect mild drowsiness from the pain med but no stomach upsets.
A long-time online friend of mine has just created her first blog. She introduced me to head covering and taught me a lot about it, pointed the way to Scripture and to other helps. You can visit here.
When I woke up this morning I did feel more rested and had less stiffness and pain, so I guess the med is working. I took the morning dose plus bp meds, so I'll see how the day goes. I was told I could expect mild drowsiness from the pain med but no stomach upsets.
A long-time online friend of mine has just created her first blog. She introduced me to head covering and taught me a lot about it, pointed the way to Scripture and to other helps. You can visit here.
At 2/15/2006 9:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Ann- I used to know you from the Sisters in Christ list and always looked forward to your Biblical input. I am so sorry to read of your loss. My heart just hurts for you. I so appreciate the faith that you live, the example you are to your children and to all that read this journal of yours. I would really like to help you somehow. Could/would you send me your snail mail address? I guess I don't know how to email straight to you as I only know of this journal. I am praying for you and your family, Ann.
Blessings, Amy-wife to Dr. Dan the vet man
At 2/15/2006 11:09 AM,
Ann crum said…
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At 2/15/2006 11:12 AM,
Ann crum said…
Hi, Lori! I can already tell that the new pain med is helping. I rested better last night and woke up with less pain this morning. I am just trying to adjust to the slight drowsiness. Of course, the bp meds may also make me feel tired till I get used to them.
Thanks so much for praying!
At 2/15/2006 11:25 AM,
Ann crum said…
Hello, Amy!
Thank you so much for the prayers. They are always very much appreciated. I know God has His hand on this whole's just sometimes hard for us to see how it'll turn out because we're looking from this side while He looks from eternity and knows the outcome.
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