Zoo Talk

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Internet business

You all know I'm an internet junkie from way back. I also use the internet to do some business such as selling curriculum and other books on Ebay, ThisLittlePiggyStaysHome, and my own Homeschool Zoo Annex, which will have postings on it very soon. I also have a blog that is focused on a not-too-long homeschooling book I wrote called Plain Book of Homeschooling. You can find my links in the right menu over there ~~~>

I really like doing business on the internet. It's convenient. I have PayPal so I can send and receive payments securely plus print shipping labels and buy postage. If I could, I'd just do internet business and not work at McDonalds. But alas, I do have bills to pay and the j-o-b ensures I can do that for now.

Yet, if I could learn to be more effective I could probably get an Internet business up and rolling along very well. JamesBrausch.com is a site to help those of us who are not that savvy in this field get our internet business off the cyber-ground and be succesful. He does challenge us to do some things such as turn off the TV for an extended period, break bad personal habits, and focus on the task at hand of building a business. His site is very informative in these regards. Perhaps I should be reading more of this type of blog site and less of the entertaining ones?



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