Zoo Talk

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Working overtime

Brandon and I worked later than we were scheduled to on Friday. We were supposed to leave at 6, but at that time we got slammed by customers. We just couldn't leave then.

Things were jumping pretty good even with two extra pairs of hands doing some of the work. I can't imagine how it might have turned out if we'd left right when we were supposed to. However, we'll have to really watch our time next week to make sure we don't go into overtime.

See, by keeping overtime down and doing some other things at McDonalds to raise the profit margin, we earn bonuses. This next bonus will come just in time for Christmas shopping. It would have been higher if we'd known a couple of weeks ago how close we were to overtime. We worked over by a few hours which knocked our bonus down considerably.

Now we remain vigilant and try to NOT do that again.


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