Living in the South
I wasn't born in the South, but I've lived here since I was barely walking so I feel like a native Southerner anyway. I've been a truck driver which means I've seen all areas of our nation. I have to say, I always return to the South and always will.

See, I like things like sweet iced tea with my meals. I like black eyed peas and fried okra and sweet taters just about any way you can fix them. Around here, we eat taters and we eat maters and we eat nanners. I like knowing that just about anything can be fried into submission, and served up with heaps of cole slaw or lakes of thicknin' gravy. I like coconut cream pie that's loaded with coconut in a creamy pudding-type filling and has 9 inches of meringue piled on top, coconut scattered on that, and toasted to golden perfection in the oven.
I even like hot, humid summers and I love mild winters with their obvious lack of snow. I like being able to grow some things in the garden in the dead of winter when most folks are just perusing seed catalogs.
I like going into a place and people I've never met saying "Hey, y'all! How ya doin?" And when I leave, the fond farewell is nearly always "Y'all come back!" I like "y'all" and "yes, ma'am" inserted into conversations. I like being called "Miss Ann" by folks, even those my age. I like saying and hearing "Bless his heart" when someone is obviously an idiot.
I like seeing 4-wheel-drive pickups with huge tires and a gun rack in the back window, complete with a hunting gun. I like watching teens congregate and you can barely tell where one ends and the other begins because it's all a sea of camoflage jackets.

See, I like things like sweet iced tea with my meals. I like black eyed peas and fried okra and sweet taters just about any way you can fix them. Around here, we eat taters and we eat maters and we eat nanners. I like knowing that just about anything can be fried into submission, and served up with heaps of cole slaw or lakes of thicknin' gravy. I like coconut cream pie that's loaded with coconut in a creamy pudding-type filling and has 9 inches of meringue piled on top, coconut scattered on that, and toasted to golden perfection in the oven.
I even like hot, humid summers and I love mild winters with their obvious lack of snow. I like being able to grow some things in the garden in the dead of winter when most folks are just perusing seed catalogs.
I like going into a place and people I've never met saying "Hey, y'all! How ya doin?" And when I leave, the fond farewell is nearly always "Y'all come back!" I like "y'all" and "yes, ma'am" inserted into conversations. I like being called "Miss Ann" by folks, even those my age. I like saying and hearing "Bless his heart" when someone is obviously an idiot.
I like seeing 4-wheel-drive pickups with huge tires and a gun rack in the back window, complete with a hunting gun. I like watching teens congregate and you can barely tell where one ends and the other begins because it's all a sea of camoflage jackets.
At 1/19/2007 12:19 AM, said…
Hey there! Just here via the carnival. I love my sweet tea, too!
At 1/19/2007 12:54 AM,
skeet said…
I like and miss all of that (well, except that my tea comes out of the "unsweet" jug). I love it whent the local kids call me "Auntie" but I was supposed to grow up to be "Miss Anita," darn it!
Mahalo for all that. I'll be around again soon!
At 1/19/2007 12:58 AM,
Kat said…
One of these days now that I'm a southerner, I need to try some friend okra and other goodies.
At 1/19/2007 6:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please send poor Kat some okra! I enjoyed your post, Ann. Thank you.
At 1/19/2007 8:02 PM,
Suni said…
pass the sweet tea and taters! i'm on it LOL
At 1/19/2007 9:49 PM,
CyberCelt said…
Iced tea! I drink gallons of it every day. I have a 100-oz. cup that I take to work and people always comment on it.
I went to Canada and it was nice, but they make their tea with a mix and serve it in little dinky glasses. I thought I would dry up and blowaway before I got back to Texas!
At 8/11/2011 2:08 PM,
web development leads said…
The life there does sound great! very comforting just like in a summer vacation.
At 8/11/2011 3:50 PM,
seo reseller program said…
I love reading your post, it makes me giggle. :)
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