Zoo Talk

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tuesday events

Well, Tuesday was indeed a long and busy day.

First, I went to the car lot to pick up the papers I needed for getting a tag on the car I've bought. Then I went to the assessor's office, assessed the car, took other cars off the old assessments, and paid my personal property tax - about $26.

Then over to the revenue office to purchase the tag and pay the sales tax. Total there was over $400 which included sales tax. tag, and transfer fee. It was a little higher than normal because I got a Choose Life tag, which is an additional $35 per year. But I wanted to support this cause and that's one way to do it.

I then went to the parts store and got an air freshener and new windshield wipers for the car. Then to Home Depot where I got two more copies of the car key. I gave one to Brandon and have the other tucked away in my wallet.


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