Zoo Talk

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Plans for day off

It has been  a busy couple of days at work. There is a girls' basketball camp in a nearby school so those kids are coming by the bus-load for lunch every day. From 11 a.m. till around 12:30 p.m., we are all scurrying to fill their orders plus the ones for our regular customers. I can't say I'm sorry to have tomorrow off!

Yesterday, I wound up working over 10 hours because of how busy it was. The night before, when I got home from work, I fixed myself a pot of chocolate mint tea (chocolate mint from my garden, of course). I sweetened it with honey and in no time at all I was drowsy enough to sleep well all night. It's not that the mint has any kind of drug in it to make you sleep. It's just that smelling it in the cup and drinking it is very relaxing. After a busy day at work, I like something like that to help me wind down and rest.

Right now, I'm sitting in town so I can post to my blogs. But in a few minutes, I'll head home. Though I don't work tomorrow I do have a pretty large day lined up at home. There's always a lot of catching up to do after several days at work. Things like sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and tossing away stuff that I really don't know why I kept.

I'm really hoping we have a clear, sunny day so I can get outside some to do laundry and pull a few weeds that are peeking out from around the ground cloth in the gardens. However, I already see lightening flashes in the distance from where I'm sitting, and a cool breeze had started. I'm sure we'll get another storm tonight as we did last night.

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