Sore feet
I wear a particular brand of shoes almost exclusively and so far, it's worked out prety well for me. But being on my feet so many hours at work means a lot more stress on my feet, knees, and hips. So much so that even my regular brand isn't always working out for me on days when the shift is really long. I might need skate shoes to help my feet last longer on a long shift and not hurt so badly when the shift is over.
What brand of shoes do you wear that you find to be comfortable when you're on your feet for long periods?
What brand of shoes do you wear that you find to be comfortable when you're on your feet for long periods?
At 4/22/2008 8:52 AM,
jannwebb said…
Ann, I found when I went to work at Goodwill and was on my feet for 10 hours at a time that the most important thing was *changing* shoes. It was weird, but if I'd change from one athletic shoe to another one it was great. It seems that your feet are getting just a little bit different pressure in different shoes.
The other thing was to wear support socks or hose. Made a tremendous difference in the way my shins and calves felt.
The only shoes I'll buy for comfort are Easy Spirit. But, just last week while I was in Florida Heather found some Sketcher sandals that are amazingly comfortable.
What size do you wear and I'll keep my eyes open for you!
At 4/22/2008 8:55 AM,
Ann crum said…
I hadn't thought about changing shoes from time to time. I actually do have two pairs of work shoes, different manufacturers, so I'll try that tip!
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