Zoo Talk

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Deer season

Around here, it's deer hunting season. I know not everyone agrees with hunting. I also know that even those who aren't opposed to it don't care for venison or other wild game. However, I do enjoy venison and I am hoping that someone will give us a cut of it after they've taken their trophies in the woods this year.

I don't even care which cut. I would love to have a roast or some that I could slice thin and fry. Yeah. That would be so good!



  • At 11/22/2007 4:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I love this time of year... and as a hunter, although I do hate killing the deer, I know what it provides for my family, not to mention I love the time spent out in the woods where it is usually so quiet and peaceful, if not a bit too cold!

  • At 11/22/2007 7:10 AM, Blogger Ann crum said…

    Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for stopping by! A deer can provide a lot of meat for a family, that's for sure. And you know that it's not full of growth hormones and antibiotics!


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