Zoo Talk

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey drugged

We had our fill of turkey, dressing, gravy, sweet potatoes, and all the other trimmings that come with a Thanksgiving meal. Naturally, after the meal, several family members wound up napping on the sofas or in chairs. There has always been talk that tryptophan, an amino acid in turkey, makes you sleepy. However, this amino acid is found in other foods as well and is essential for good health. The body uses this amino acid to produce seratonin. However, all meats and even cheeses have tryptophan, and some have more than turkey.

The real culprit that produces the sleepiness and lethargy is the high amount of carbohydrates that are consumed on Thanksgiving Day. So, you see, you may feel like you're taking a tryptophan trip, but don't sign up for drug treatment just yet. Try consuming fewer carbs instead!

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