Zoo Talk

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Back online

I’ve been offline for about 10 days, but I’m back now. I was able to use my iPhone for some of my online communications, but it’s small and hard for my eyes to read a lot of the time. I am thankful I have it, though, since I buy a small amount of data each month just for events like this, and for times when I’m not around a Wifi source but want to go online for a few minutes.

Other than that, things have been pretty ordinary around here. Work goes on and I’m still making breads and selling a few of them. We tried last weekend to set up at a location where generally a lot of folks have small yard sales. It’s free to set up but we went way too late to do any good, although a friend did stop and buy a loaf of jalapeno cheese bread as well as a visor clip for sunglasses. Next warm, sunny weekend that I can, I’ll be trying again.

I’m thinking of partially baking some breads, freezing them, and then selling them to folks who might want to just brown and serve them at home. That way, they’ll have fresh warm bread from the oven. I’ll probably be working on that this weekend to see how I can accomplish it. I also want to work on making homemade egg noodles. I haven’t made them in years but they are delicious.

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