Zoo Talk

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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Tree trimmers

Weather wise, it’s been another odd few days. It’s gone from low- to mid-twenties for overnight lows to upper 50s for daytime highs, then near 40 for an overnight low again. Maybe spring is trying to fight its way into our lives, finally.

This morning there was a knock on the door. A tree trimming service was in our driveway and the fellow informed us that they’d be trimming up the two large cedar trees near the end of our driveway, as well as a little oak tree and a couple more trees. They are cutting trees and limbs to keep them away from the power lines. This is to help prevent damage to the lines if there is another ice or snow storm.

Now, I have to say, this is probably a good thing. However, the cedars they trimmed back are now butchered looking, and didn’t go into the power line that leads to our house. They also cut some limbs off a hickory in front of our house. Those limbs, also, didn’t go to the power lines and did provide shade in the summertime for that portion of the house. No more shade there anymore, I guess.

I’ll be taking some pictures of the result of the trimming. The energy company hired them to do this, and it’s been going on all along the roadways, but I wasn’t expecting it to be right at my front door. My head knows it’s necessary, but my heart hates it anyway.

Probably the only good thing from this, to me anyway, is that they gave us a big pile of wood chips that I can use for the garden, for walkways between garden beds, or even in the chicken house. They only did this because I asked for the chips. I noticed a neighbor stopped on the road, and he was asking the very same thing – would they dump some chips at his place. They have to wait till their machine is full before they dump it, but this way it keeps it out of the landfill, at least.

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