Zoo Talk

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Gardening and weather

Last weekend was so beautiful. Warm and sunny and everything spring days should be. So nice, in fact, that we were able to get out in the garden beds and do some work there. Using a “Claw”, we loosened the soil in the raised beds and were able to plant radishes, lettuce, carrots, and 2.5 pounds of onion sets. We also planted lettuce and radishes in some hanging pots, just to see how that would work out.

The pots were given to us by a friend who had originally bought them to resell at a yard sale last year. She was tired of having them stacked up in her garage, though, so we benefitted from her desire to clean her garage and get rid of stuff. We had taken down a couple of round raised beds (kits you can get at the Big Box Store) and reused the soil and composted matter to fill several of the pots. Now to watch and see if they work out ok for a suspended garden.

This being The Natural State, naturally the weather took a turn for the worst the rest of the week. It got colder. It got rainy. Then Thursday night, it got snowy! We received about 2 inches of snow, although it was gone by the next afternoon. However, we are left with unseasonably cold temperatures, overcast skies, and chances for rain storms this weekend. I’m pretty sure the groundhog is a big fat liar! I was so hoping to be able to do some more gardening and yard work while I’m off this weekend, but it’s just too miserable outside to do anything.

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